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Valid through: July 31st, 2025

$159 Eyeglasses with Purchase of a Year’s Supply of Contact Lenses

Contact lenses and glasses are perfect partners.  Why choose between them when you can have both?

Mention this online promotion, purchase a year’s supply* of contact lenses at your annual contact lens exam, and buy a complete pair of eyeglasses with in-stock single vision plastic lenses for $159, or in-stock single vision plastic non-glare lenses for $189.  Many prescriptions available.  Select from our special collection of frames worth $119 and in-stock single vision lenses worth $99 – $139.  Eyeglasses must be purchased within two weeks of contact lens purchase for the same patient.  May not be combined with any other promotion.

{*Year’s supply–  monthly: 4 six-packs or 2 twelve-packs (24 lenses); 1-2 weeks:  8 six-packs, 4 twelve-packs, or 2 twenty-four packs (48 lenses); single-use: 8 ninety-packs or 24 thirty-packs (720 lenses)}.